Gsoc Week Two

Coding continues.

Summarily, Week two of the summer cycle involved me structuring the the core to receive an email address and should be able to return the user using the email and as well to get a grasp of openmrs webservice module
During this week I. Carried out the following activities.
I Added an email field to the openmrs core module then i also added the necessary getters and setters methods, also went further to add all the methods in the interfaces, classes and some other methods and criteria query to retrieve a user by email supplied.
Github pull request Link

I also finished working on reviews from RESTWS-706. with pull request

I also Read up on json web token.
I Had a look up on the figuring out how it works.
I also Read on Resp api design  and naming RESTful resources. 
During this week i also had a meeting with my mentor and we discoursed on how and which json web token library i will use in composing tokens and sending via email for verification. which we had as suggestions prime-jwt and javajwt.


This week was somehow challenging because of the series of internet perturbation with privacy issues.


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