A health wise peep into the life of a home based developer

First look at the lifestyle of a developer:

Basically, a home-based developer though it applies to an office developer.
It all begins with the lifestyle of the individual. Haven lived in this lifestyle and among other developers who equally lived a similar lifestyle, I can say the following. 
Most developers take it as a lifestyle in that skipping breakfast is the order of the day and telling you that the last meal they take was maybe yesterday afternoon is a common wording that you can hear. This is not because they don’t have the means to get the food but most times because they neither felt hungry nor hadn’t any time to look for something and eat. This even goes further when they happened to get something and eat they eat what is termed junk food. Here I mean they go for what is readily available and takes less effort to acquire. They end up with things like bread, or just carbohydrate food. That is if we are to qualify it as food then they might spend their remaining time taking coffee or energy drinks

Developers as well are fun of spending countless hours in front of their screens and on a single spot trying to satisfy one client or the other or their Boss, Most at times, they work at the detriment of themselves without even knowing. In fact most or all the time they work overtime then they take a minimum or even no sleep for days and sometimes weeks.

Developers and software engineers to be specific do have a high affinity for their computers that they care less about any other thing that might count. One of which is sports. This seems to them as a time-consuming activity and a waste.

A cumulation of the above in the human system becomes an enormous risk. Crash is a term we often hear off and speak on a daily basis in the computer world. This does not only happened to computers. Well, when it does happen to a computer we don’t care as they are inanimate the usual quick response to a serious computer crash is to reinstall the entire system. After some failed recovery worst-case scenario you dump the computer and get a new one. Sometimes its fun ie for Kali Linux users crash is fun but I tell you its no fun when it's out of the context of inanimate things. Crash doesn’t just happen to computer system human systems are also prune to crash and when they do. I bet you its no fun.  When the human system does crash, You don’t only endure the pains but you risk losing everything which you love must and in the worst case you can’t recover. There is no reinstall of the human system or no reset button. The best your doctor can do at this point is to put you on artificial food in the form of pills and supplements while you spend the remaining part of your life visiting him and anguishing in pain. 

Disclaimer. I am in no way a medical practitioner.

Well, there are numerous consequences that arise from the above factors to a developer. Crash as mentioned above ranges from the combination of illness haven accumulated into their system for years months and a lot more. Noticeable of which is back pain, blurred vision, weakness, gradual memory loss, brain fatigue and others which are not noticeable in the short run and only manifest. An example is that which comes in as a result of sitting in one spot for long. Well, it's not all about sitting, any profession that demands you to stay in one sport for a long time runs the same risk.

A necessary measure to take include 

Take a walk to your office from time to time if you are far from your office space or you could pay for the transport of 3/4 the distance and trek the rest of the distance.
Make it a routine to do sport at least twice a month if not once a week.  Also, make sure you take at least breakfast in the morning before you begin the day. 
Reduce the quality of starchy food intake and go with a lot of vegetables and fruits. Take a break from time to time and do. Walk don’t sit for over 2hours without changing position or making a walk. Take your eyes off your screen once in a while. Change your posture during your working time. Also, perform a backstretch ie lean along the wall to relax.


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