Week Twelve

Week 12.

This week commenced and i fully worked on making sure all the hanging pull request with respect to the core have been merged and closed. I accomplished these by hastening up my speed in fixing reviews, then i created new branches called general fix where all the light works related to renaming adding exception modifying exception messages and as well writing tests.

Rest webservice.

After sucessfully finishing with the core and everything merged, I went straight away to the  rest webservice module where i added 2 endpoint to handle the get with provided activation and a post with new credentials  password and activation key. this i did before consulting my mentor and  after consulting him. There was alot of other design changes such. i had to send and email message to my two mentors ie primary mentor and backup mentor. I also posted on talk here  from this talk post i received many criticism and all of them were positively to my benefits in finishing up with the rest webservice first pull request on the restwebservice is located https://github.com/openmrs/openmrs-module-webservices.rest/pulls .  My backup mentor Burke assisted alot by providing with a sequence diagram  which is presented below.

Link to original image is passwordreset sequence diagram

Also the talk discussion for the design with respect to the webservice is starting as from https://talk.openmrs.org/t/gsoc-2018-reset-password-via-email-project/18066/22.

Add the current changes and endpoint proposed in the sequence diagram.
Write Unit test for the endpoints.


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