Week Six

Week 6 of google summer of code.

This week began not different from the other ones but as it enfolds it showed to be one of a kind as the entire activities of the week turned around monotonous and with me perfecting the one and only single task. that of fixing and finalizing the pull request i made and making sure that all the content with respect to my gsoc project that relate to the openMRS-core have been fixed and merged to the set up repository located Passwordreset. Addressing the core issues meant the beginning of a new dawn for me as the next phase will completely depend on the functionality just added to the core to function. As the week commenced and went further i keep receiving reviews and fixing them day after day and it went further until i finally before the week went to and end addressed all the issues and got my pull request merged. In the process of fixing the reviews and writing test for the added code i had some hard times as some of the tests were failing and debugging them at the time, fixing and testing them was taking a lot of time since i was traditionally running the test using maven command line tool to do the compilation and testing and this had to run through all the various test which took a lot of time and some times when am unfortunate, the test fails which means all the time spent in debugging compiling and testing was wasted. This kept happening for some time and i saw it not helping so i asked if there is a better option for doing the testing without having to run all the test and my mentor responded and told me i could build and test individual test using my ide. From here I noticed a drastic increase in the rate at which i could operate since i don't have to bother waiting for all the test to compile.  was taking  of the  core have been address before the week goes to the end.


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