Week Five

 Week Five of gsoc

This week  I continued work on Reviewing the not yet  addressed reviews that were left.

Model change

Then i went further to add to the user table another field by name user activation_key.
This newly added field came up again as a series of discurssion which i had with my mentors and 
 we deemed necessary to instead of having another table to keep track of the token, expiry date, and relate it to 
 the user we should rather introduce another field to the already existing user model and this field 
 have as content, The user token which has been hashed (reversible) also going to use the salt which already
already exist and is used for password hashing. and combined to this hashed token will be the timestamp of
when the request for password reset was made(to be used for knowing if the token has expired or not). The hashed token  which will be of the format Hashed_token:timeStamp (xyt354m8912ghx:1233455612) is a sample of what will be stored in the activation_key field.
The token as noticed is separated from the timestamp by a : this will mark the end of hashed token and the beginning of the timestamp. Hence when the user will submit the token that was sent to him or her via email, the hashing is again done and a pattern match is done against the database for the token if found, then the timestamp is verified to make sure it is not expired. Progress done so far on the work can be found Here. Week ended with the feast of Ramadan which was on Friday and a public holiday.


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